Jongeren inspireren op European Development Days

europen development days
18 juni 2019 17:00 - 18:15

Met het project ‘Inspiring Youth with Cooperatives' wil Cera, i.s.m. Coopkracht, jongeren inspireren en kennis laten maken met coöperatief ondernemen.

In het kader hiervan, werkt Cera mee aan deze brainstorming:

Restore the balance

Tackling inequalities through youth empowerment

Young people, as a driving force behind some of the most important development issues, are key actors in bringing new ideas and solutions to pressing problems due to their future-oriented perspective. However, their involvement and participation in the economic, political and social aspects of development are often limited. Private sector and young civil society representatives will focus on four topics – access to credit, inequalities in the labour market, peer-to-peer training and mobility. They will engage the audience to discuss youth’s active and important role in sustainable development and develop recommendations on how to increase and empower young people’s involvement in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Meer info en inschrijven:

Wanneer: 18 juni 2019 van 17 tot 18.15 uur
Waar: Tour&Taxis Brussel

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